Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Oct 19 2006, 06:51 PM

it seemed as if i was reading someone else's blog.. kinda felt like putting lots of cow dung on the person who wrote all this dung..but discrded the idea.. it wud be really very awful to pick cow dung wid ur hands.. sometimes, i seriously wonder why is cow dung green in colour?hmm.. makes sense..they eat lots of green leaves na..thats why.. but we ..okay lets not get into that. tongue.gif

suddenly, the whole world seems to be very beautiful wid cows n cow dung included...waw, i hv finally gained my spirits n am totally in my mind..(for a change).actually, in retrospect, i think i was kinda very nervous n frustrated over the fact that i have to do so much work.. all notes to copy, lab work to be submitted, assignments to be done..that was the reason i was acting like a dumbass. laugh.gif

generally, life is to live.. or in better words, to enjoy..but wat the hell do we do? we get up to rub our asses on the classbench (n the canteen chairs) n then scratch our heads at the end of session( we got marks.. actually, we dint get marks).seriously, the whole 'enjoy life ' thing is a farce in my case..or else , i think so..these lab asses (now promoted as lecturers) dont let us live...yes.

our whole course is a big joke..

this woman calls me n tells me about this preprn course for CAT .. how the batches hv already strted n i m late n i shud join as early as possible n s***.. cunningly, made fool of me n got my email id also.. damn confused i am..shud i prepare or not? was solving this puzzle game n got out at level zero. mellow.gif

now this devi samaan lady tells me cow dung is murky brown.. thanks dude!!

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